The holidays are often surrounded by lots of eating, drinking, and all of your favorite holiday treats. Although it is a time of celebration, you can still enjoy the foods you love in moderation. Below are a few simple tips that may help keep you healthy during the holiday season.

  1. Get plenty of rest and try to maintain your regular sleeping habits.
  2. Don’t ditch your workout routine just because you may be traveling. Be creative and find a unique way to stay physically active.
  3. Hide holiday treats. Out of sight, out of mind.
  4. It’s flu season – so be sure to wash your hands often. Better yet, get your flu shot.
  5. Reach out to family or friends if you are feeling lonely.
  6. Eat a healthy snack before leaving home. You won’t be as tempted to over indulge at the holiday party.
  7. Don’t neglect yourself. If you don’t feel well, see your doctor.
  8. Enjoy the foods you love, but do so in moderation.
  9. Bring extra medications with you when traveling out of town.
  10. Walk away from the buffet table and mingle with your friends and family.

Have a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season.

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